Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Facing Left

Two quick portraits.



Sunday, October 26, 2008

First Football Assignment

Holy cow. Saturday's game against Oklahoma State University is the greatest time I've ever had at a football game. I was standing at Texas' end zone when the band played "The Eyes of Texas" and I couldn't help myself... this particular photojournalist, with a giant lens on a monopod and equipment strapped all over his body, raised his horns and bellowed the alma mater without reserve. Being on the field, watching and documenting the #1 Longhorns do their thing was such an incredible high.



Hook 'Em



Football Country

I love football. I love it i love it i love it. I love my school. I love my friends. I love being a photographer. I love everything I'm doing and everything that surrounds me.

Hook 'em fuckin' Horns.

Friday, October 3, 2008


This week has been deceptively easy-going. I only had one thing due... a one-page response on a chapter for my cognitions of animals class. I've been trying to motivate myself to knock out chunks of studying a day but it's not going so well.
It's pretty funny though, the chapter I wrote about this week for psychology was about learning and memory: long and short-term memory etc etc... psych 101 stuff, but it was pretty ironic that what I was studying was telling ME how to study...

Repetition and rehearsal... fascilitates information passing through working memory and eventually being stored in reference memory for long-term retrieval...

Ryan Study

Study at FAC