Wednesday, January 27, 2010


My roommate's saltwater fish tank is very cool. He got the 55 gallon tank at the beginning of the fall 09 semester and has since spent thousands to equip, populate, and maintain it. Gotta love college businessmen and their disposable incomes...

Clown Fish

Live Coral

Damsel and Clown Fish

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

First Day of Class | Spring 2010

...and my last semester here. Woah.

1st Day of Classes | Spring 2010

Gotta "do it big"
"put in some work"
"be real trill"
"get swoll body"
"lay some pipe game"

If none of that made any sense, don't worry. It took me a couple weeks to figure out what my roommates were saying half the time.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Merry Christmas

and a Happy New Year from the De Jesus family

2009 Christmas Family Picture

A bit tardy, but hey, at least I'm updating, right?

Graduation Session

Jessica needed graduation/xmas pictures for her parents and I was happy to help. Here are some snaps from the shoot:

Jessica Martin (1)

Jessica Martin (2)

Jessica Martin (3)

Jessica Martin (4)

I'm hoping to start taking graduation pictures for my friends and peers at UT. It's my last semester at UT so I think that would be a fun thing to do. I could probably make a bit of money from it also. I'll keep you updated on developments.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Camera Phone?

Damn. That last post was a snoozer. I must have been REALLY bored the night I wrote it. I promise more ((interesting)) posts will start coming upon the arrival of the new semester.

New Years Resolution #123: Update blog with better posts.