Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Habits (an assignment for my Conditions and Learning class)


Describe a personal habit that you don't want to modify.

Describe a personal habit that you do want to modify.

In both cases be very specific about the responses involved, the stimuli present when the response is made, and any consequences of the behavior.

A personal habit i would not like to modify is the habit of opening doors for women and elders. The stimuli present for this habit would be the presence of a women or an elder at a door that I am about to go through. The response is opening the door and letting the person through before me. Consequences of this behavior are usually general sentiments of gratitude from the person, as well as my own feelings of well-being derived from a sense of chivalry.

A personal habit I would like to change is cigarette smoking. I would not like to do this anymore. At this stage of my nicotine addiction, stimuli do not necessarily need to be present for smoking to occur, however notable stimuli that do cause an increased need for cigarettes include food, alcohol, and sexual intercourse. Consequences of this behavior are relief of tension and anxiety at the cost of decreased cardiovascular and respiratory health.


Back in Austin!

I am slowly, *ever so slowly* getting back into shooting mode.




Sunday, January 11, 2009


Wispyness over House

I'll be in The Woodlands for another week, then it's off to Austin for another action-packed semester.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

New Years Eve

Spent it with some pretty ladies over lots of champagne and some of Matt's amazing home brewed beer and ale.

Around Counter
Lauren and Zoey

Kings Cup with champagne? Not the best idea in the world.
Kings 2
Kat and Zoey
Lauren and Tree

Happy New Year!