I've recently calmed down with my photo work and have picked up my camera sparingly these past couple of days. Honestly I felt like the thing was about to grow into my hand from constant use and I think my brain was getting taxed from having to use my eyes to creatively construct scenes 24/7. Which is not to say I haven't done any shooting. I just... haven't done much of it.
Ever since I can remember (I been poppin my collar) my work ethic has been terrible. I really don't know how I managed to get into this university. Of course I am not the first or only one to struggle with procrastinating. But this is what I was thinking about when I took this still life. Time keeps dripping away and I'm seemingly incapable of making use of it.
...And the only reason I took this was because I didn't want to immediately start on my psychology paper due the next morning.

I've been snapping pics at parties ever since I started this hobby, and have never taken any "good" party pics, try as I might. I'm pretty much convinced now that I can't operate as a photographer while intoxicated. It's a real shame.

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