Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Southeast Asia Pt. 2

We attended my cousin Nino's wedding. It was an absolutely gorgeous ceremony. His older sister organized the entire thing, and with a modest budget put together a wedding that looked like a million dollars. I was apart of the wedding (ceremoniously lighting candles) so I did not snap a ton of frames during the ceremony.

Best Man
onboard flash lol- good thing I wasn't the official photog.

asdThe only touristy thing we did in The Philippines was to take a weekend trip to south Luzon to visit the Filipino equivalent of Disneyworld. We made a detour to Mt. Taal, a dormant(?) volcano. We even took horsie rides to the top of the volcano. Unfortunately my camera ran out of juice upon arriving at the top (grrrr). The random Mt. Taal trip was ridiculously fun.
Mount Taal

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